22 Apr Time Trials Just Might Be American Bike Racing!
Why is this Pure, Incredibly Hard Discipline Good for Any Bicycle Rider?
The key to a strong cycling community is enthusiasm across multiples disciplines of bikes. Sure racers can be flashy, and we know that kids bikes sell, but it really does take call kinds of bike riders, coming together in an organized fashion, to make a scene strong. Without it, bikes are just tools for transportation. It would be great to see more of that but thats not what a community is all about. If you like cars, you might like car racing. If you are into photography, you likely admire fine art. The same holds true for cycling events but what is even greater, you can participate, if you have a bike.
The Time Trial is an event commonly knows as ”the race of truth”. It is a race, but it truly you versus the clock. In Time Trials, riders set off at specific intervals, commonly 1-minute, and cover a pre-determined course to achieve the fastest time they can. In racing, this sets the stage for other mass start stages but for every day riders, it is just a chance to ride a course and push yourself to whatever level you want.
What if I am not a Bike Racer?
True, Racers take this very seriously. At the pinnacle of the sport, Time Trials are won or lost by seconds. Bikes and gear are optimized for aerodynamics and racers push themselves to the edge of physical ability. If that is not you, totally fine. A time trial course is a place where you can ride to enjoy, push for fitness, and even compare your progress with repeat visits to the same course. It is no different than a Physical Trainer pushing you in a gym, or weighing yourself to see improvement. We just measure it in speed and time. The bike scene that team racer and co-founder Bobby came from has a long standing time trials series. The story goes that he and his Elite Team would show up on expensive bikes, with planned warm ups and nutrition to try and break records. But, others would show up on standard bikes, or hybrids…with the anti-pinnacle being an older couple on a tandem that was larger than the Geo Metro convertible they drove up in. Guess what, both types of riders belonged and benefited from the effort over a 7-15 mile course. Thats what it is all about! No one gets dropped, no one loses, and everyone makes their experience what they want. Good enough for a bike ride, but also good enough for a Pro rider honing their skill for the big show. Even better when you can all enjoy a beer in the parking lot after!
Schell Brothers Cycling Time Trial Series
We have started a new series in town! We are going to host local Time Trials for all the purposes mentioned above. These will be low pressure, high fun, family friendly events. We are trying to find dates and times that work and also venues like Dogfish Head that allow riders to bring their families along. The best way to stay abreast of our plans is to join our club on Strava. This is where we post events and run the scoring for our Time Trials
Any Recommended Gear?
You don’t need an aero bike with a solid disc wheel to race! You just need a bike that will allow you to cover the course in a reasonable time. The goal is to go fast but most riders will average between 18 and 28mph. To be scored, you will want a device that records speed and time via GPS. Garmins, Wahoos, and even iphones work perfect for this. You should be a member of Strava and you might have to ’friend’ Bobby to get the invites. Since these events are unsupported and unsanctioned, you are responsible for your own safety. Make sure to follow the rules of the road and bring a tube, pump, and phone just in case of an issue. The course we choose are very safe and light on traffic. Thats it! This is free fun and it is really great for your fitness too! Come, hang out, learn about the sport, and have a blast ”racing” with no pressure beyond what you put on yourself!